Seed Paper Promotions Grow

5 Reasons Seed Paper Promotions Help Businesses Grow

 1. People Want To Go Green

Seed Paper Promotions are Eco-APPROVED because they leave no waste behind!  Learn more about how they help businesses GROW.
Because people are becoming more and more aware of the detrimental effects that paper waste is having on the environment, promotional products that are Eco-APPROVED and made from biodegradable seed paper are more valuable than ever. With consumers becoming increasingly eco-conscious, they are looking for brands that share that vision who they can identify with.

Seed paper promotions leave no waste behind and promote corporate sustainability which not only benefits our planet, but also benefits the brand by connecting with consumers on a deeper level.

2. They Are Different From The Rest

Seed Paper Promotions are totally unique and eye-catching. Learn more about how they help businesses GROW.
Plantable promotional products instantly capture the attention of recipients from the moment they feel the seedy texture. Because of the differences between seed paper and traditional paper, seed paper promotional products will make recipients more likely to remember the brand and marketing message because they stand out and have the WOW factor.

3. They Are A Gift They’ll Be Happy To Receive

Seed Paper Promotions are a real gift to receive because they are fun to plant and enjoy. Learn more about how they help businesses GROW.
If there’s one problem when it comes to distributing promotional products, is that they often end up in the trash eventually. Not only is this bad for business but it’s also damaging to the environment. However, with seed paper promotional products, recipients are always excited to receive them because of the benefits they get from planting them. When planted in soil, the biodegradable paper composts away and the seeds blossom and grow into a garden of flowers, herbs or even veggies that they can enjoy. Then these gardens of growth act as reminder of the promotion and the brand itself.

The interaction of planting a promotion creates a positive feeling which is great for business and the Earth! 

4. They Are A Conversation Starter

Seed Paper Promotions are always a great conversation starter. Learn more about how they help businesses GROW.
The purpose of promotional products is to increase brand exposure and grow your business. Seed Paper Promotions do just that because they always get people talking. Creative and innovative, these eco-friendly promotions connect with people and will excite and intrigue them enough to ask questions. The more conversation that’s being had about your promotional product, the more your business and creative ideas will be ingrained in their memory.

5. They Come In A Wide Range Of Innovative Choices

There is a huge variety Seed Paper Promotions to suit your brand.  Learn more about how they help businesses GROW.

With creative and eco-friendly choices like business cards, matchbooks, seed bombs, seed packets, seed paper coins and bills, printed shapes and more, it’s easier than ever to create a seed paper promotional product that is tailored to a brand and their marketing message. All of our plantable promotions are customizable so businesses can create a piece that will connect with their clients and consumers. The opportunity to be creative is endless and is a great way to truly impress clients and make a brand memorable.

To see how other businesses used seed paper, take a look at these Case Studies.

If you’re looking for ideas or are unsure of what will work best for your needs, feel free to contact our Corporate Accounts Manager for information. And if you’re ready to make a smart and eco-friendly choice, request a quote here!


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