free printable goal planner pages

{free printables} Goal & Project Planner Pages

Motivate yourself, build habits, & hit your targets!

About a month ago, a few of us from Botanical PaperWorks had the privilege of attending a leadership development and networking conference hosted by Athena Leadership called Changeleaders. It was an amazing event filled with inspiring stories and advice from local professionals in Winnipeg. One of the biggest takeaways for us was hearing Mark Chipman, chairman of True North Sports & Entertainment, talk about his ritual Sunday where he would review the week and take stock of where he was at with certain goals or projects.

It made me think, how does one do that exactly? What does that look like? Well, that is what lead us to design this NEW Free Printable Goal and Project Planner!

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

If you don’t have a way to organize and keep track of all those goals, plans and projects on the go, the chances are some of them will slip through the cracks. With this printable, you can capture all your goals and projects, why they are important you, track your progress and build habits and targets to help you get to the finish line.

Here’s a look at what’s inside and how to use the pages:


This page was designed for your top goals with motivations for achieving them and habits that will help you get there. You can print as many of the pages as you need for however many goals you typically have on the go.

These are for broad and long-term things that will take many little steps along the way to achieve. For example: Saving Money.

The Motivations lines are where you write why you are making that a goal. For our Saving Money example, the motivations might be: Feel more secure, reduce stress, pay off debt, etc.

The Habit lines are where you write what will get you there. For our Saving Money example, the habits might be: Make coffee at home instead of buying, track your receipts, eat out less/cook more, etc.

The Reward line is a treat for when you complete your goal. For example, buy a new outfit or go on a trip if you saved money.

The Progress bar is for you to track how close to reaching your goal you are. The weekly review page ties back to this. Every week you look back and see if it’s time to fill in a bar as you make progress.


Similar to the goal pages, this page was designed to your top projects with motivations for achieving it and milestone to completion. It’s more for big projects that aren’t really a goal but are more task oriented. For example: Kitchen Redesign

The Motivations lines are where you write the benefits of completing the project. For our Kitchen Redesign example, the motivations might be: Enjoy cooking again, increase property value, better use of space, etc.

The milestone lines are where you write the mini-projects within a project. For our Kitchen Redesign example, the milestones might be: Set a budget, research your options, find/meet with a contractor, etc.

The Reward line is a treat for when you complete your project. For our Kitchen Redesign example, the reward is having a brand new kitchen!

The Progress bar for you to track how close to completing your project you are. The weekly review page ties back to this. Every week you look back and see if it’s time to fill in a bar as you make progress.


Every week, map out the top 3 – 5 things you want to accomplish and the goal/project they are associated. A target is usually the result of a collection of tasks or actions. Because you will likely have multiple goals and project on the go, your targets will likely be associated with different goals or projects.

Some examples of targets are:

  • Go to the gym 4-5 times (Goal associated is Get Fit)
  • Spend less than $200 on groceries (Goal associated is Save Money)
  • Pick out appliances (Goal associated is Kitchen Redesign)


This page is optional, and you may find the weekly targets are enough to keep you on track. However, if you are organized enough to plan out the tasks and actions required each day then this page is for you.

Some examples of daily actions are:

  • Go to body step class at 5:30 (Ties into your weekly gym target)
  • Prep meatless meals for the week (Ties into grocery budget target)
  • Read appliance reviews online (Ties into pick out appliances target)

NOTE: Not all of your tasks and actions have to be associated with a goal or weekly target. Sometimes you might just have daily things you want to keep track of that aren’t associated with bigger projects and tasks.


If you don’t recap and review what you have done in the past, improvement is impossible. This page was made for you to capture and celebrate what went well, make a note of what could have been better and what you want to keep in mind for future you. That section is great to look back on as you set new goals and projects.

At the end of the page, there is also a reminder to look back at your main goals & project pages. This is your chance to review/monitor progress and remind yourself of the motivations that will help inspire you to stay on track. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily task and targets and forget why it is you are doing what you’re doing, so this step is vital to your weekly routine if you want to motivate yourself, build habits, & hit your targets!

We hope you enjoyed this post and that you make good use of these Free Printable Goal & Project Planner Pages. Remember, you owe it to yourself to climb the mountain and achieve your goals!

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