Good Environmental News for Earth Month

There are plenty of reasons to feel anxious about the state of the earth. Extreme weather events are happening. Fossil fuel production is picking up. Scientists keep warning about arctic sea ice melting and coral reefs dying. Most days, it’s hard to think about the future and where the environment is headed.

That doesn’t mean the good news isn’t out there, it’s just hard to find sometimes. That’s why we’ve put together a list of some important stories and findings.

Celebrate the progress made and get motivated for the future with this roundup of good environmental news.

Since April is Earth month, a time to reflect on the importance of our planet and inspire more climate action, let’s celebrate the people and organizations who are taking action.

With that, here’s some climate action stories that will inspire you

old-growth trees in the Redwood Californian forest
Image Source: Max Forster (@maxforsterphotography) via Save the Redwoods League.

1. Scientists discover a new enzyme that could help break down plastic faster

Bright possibilities are on the horizon for one of our world’s largest environmental problems. Plastic-eating enzymes have been around for a while, but none as fast as this new one called PETase. Scientists say PETase breaks down a plastic bottle in 6 weeks. Up until this discovery, it would take hundreds of years to break down that plastic bottle. Talk about progress!

2. Endangered salmon back in bay area streams

Things are going swimmingly in bay area waters. After 15 years of no salmon sightings, biologists spotted them again moving up Larsen Creek, San Geronimo creeks, and other streams. Welcome back, fishy friends.

3. More people are buying electric cars

A study by IEA shows that today there are 16 million electric car drivers around the world. That’s a lot of people who are now driving to and from work with a smaller carbon footprint.

4. Redwood Californian forest returned to Indigenous groups

The InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council will now own 500 acres of the Redwood Californian forest. Old growth trees cover a lot of this land, along with many endangered animals including the northern spotted owl. Happy environmental news here for sure, as far as the creatures living in these woods are concerned.

A birds-eye view image of the Amazon forest
Image Source: Rhett A. Butler via

5. Amazon conservation initiative receives $200 million donation

Thanks to this donation from The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, more areas of the Amazon rainforest will be protected deforestation and other unsustainable land use practices. That’s a big win for our earth! The Amazon rainforest is home to many of the world’s animals and one fifth of the world’s fresh water resources.

6. Honduras bans open-pit mining

Some good environmental news for Central America! Many different mining projects are going on in Honduras. That digging might slow down now that the government has stepped in with this ban. Less holes in the ground equals more wildlife, so celebration is in order.

7. Italy makes environmental protection part of its constitution

Give up a round of applause for Italy! A step in the right direction for climate justice. According to this new constitutional law, private companies and industries must not cause damage to the local environment.

tree planters working in a forest
Image Source: Photo: Dave Gardner Creative via

8. Tree planting organizations planted millions of trees in 2021

National Forest Foundation planted 7.3 million trees in 2021, and One Tree Planted reached 23 million worldwide. Think of all the birds that will have new homes again! For tree lovers everywhere, this is a good environmental news highlight.

9. Starbucks is phasing out disposable cups

Coffee drinking is about to get greener around the world. By the end of 2023, the company is going to be offering a few perks to customers that will encourage a switch to reusables. For example, discounts on beverages for customers bringing in their to-go cups, and mugs for customers sitting in at the cafe.

10. Rihanna donates $15 million to climate justice organizations

Here’s some celebrity news that’s not about the Hollywood dating scene. Singer and entrepreneur Rihanna is donating to climate justice organizations including Climate Justice Alliance, the Indigenous Environmental Network, and the Movement for Black Lives. This is good news for the earth and the intersectional environmentalism movement.

We hope these positive environmental news stories gave you boost today. If they did, share this post with a friend.


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