Woman standing and presenting at a conference

Thoughtful Speaker Gift Ideas for Sustainable Events

The world is becoming increasingly focused on sustainability so when planning an event, it’s important to make choices that show you care about the environment. From the table settings to the speaker gifts, you can create an experience that is fun, thoughtful, and eco-friendly.

Speaker gifts and why you need them

Speaker gifts are gifts for guest speakers at a conference used to say thank you and show your appreciation. These gestures can extend to panelists, DJs, emcees, or anyone who has made the guest experience memorable. They are a wonderful way to make those involved in the event feel appreciated for a job well done.

Choosing gifts that are thoughtful, useful, and sustainable can be a challenge so Botanical PaperWorks has created NEW ready-to-order gifts that anyone can use and enjoy.

An eco-friendly promotional gift set including three homelife items; hand-poured candle, wood soap dish set, and a large beeswax wrap.

These Eco Homelife Gift Kits feature three handmade eco-conscious gifts for the home — a beautiful soy + coconut wax candle, a handmade soap bar with an upcycled wood dish, and a large beeswax wrap.

An eco-frienldy promotional gift set including three plantable seed paper workspace items; plantable journal with eco-friendly pencil, eco calendar, and seed card set.

These Flourishing Workspace Plantable Gift Kits include seed paper desk essentials that anyone can use and enjoy. From the plantable journal to the eco calendar, these gifts will easily fit into anyone’s workday and give the gift of so many wildflowers!

Both kits are practical with the added bonus of being sustainable, so gifting them will show how much you care. Your logo will be added to the products inside and you can feature full-color custom artwork on the outside sticker for ultimate brand recognition.

Make your event sustainable

Events have the potential to become extremely wasteful. According to meetgreen.com, the average event produces 1.89 kg of water per day! By choosing waste-free products such as plantable paper wristbands, you can eliminate some of that waste and grow wildflowers instead. Botanical PaperWorks has many other products that can help you make your event more sustainable including name tagscoasters, and panel cards.

As our world faces environmental challenges, it’s essential to make sustainable choices in every aspect of our lives, including gift-giving. Next time you’re planning an event, big or small, there are so many ways to go green!


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